Texas Democrats are now leveraging county resources for the promotion of their sexual agenda. Homosexuality is considered a value and central tenet of the left’s moral code. As such the citizens of Texas must endure a constant brow beating for more homosexuality in the state.
This includes a strong push within the Texas schools of the left’s sexual agenda. Leftists across the state have fought for the teaching of pornography to students, as well as for drag queen performances at family events. This will no doubt have a considerable effect on children in their formative years.
The children of Texas are not the only ones who have to suffer through this nauseating promotion of leftist values. Texas Democrats have found an additional target and as such now Houston Police Department officers are required to promote homosexuality on city police cars.
Homosexual statements and symbols can be found decorated on the cars of the Houston police. While police are performing their official duties in the streets of Houston, they must promote the left’s sexual agenda. The humiliation these officers must endure is unimaginable.
Art Acevedo Initiates the Sexual Agenda in the HPD
This practice was started by former Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo in 2017. Acevedo is well known for his outspoken position on politically charged issues ranging from red flag laws to vaccine mandates. His dedication to the left’s cause has attained him nationwide notoriety and made him a top recruit for some of the nation’s most prestigious police chief positions. However, his reputation has suffered with officers after a number of career failures.
Acevedo’s Checkered Past
Acevedo’s tenure at the helm of the Houston Police Department is overshadowed by his oversight of the Harding Street Raid. Under Acevedo’s administration a no knock raid was authorized on the home of Dennis Tuttle and Rhogena Nicholas. The couple were at home when plain clothed officers entered their premises. Tuttle and Nichols were both armed and a gun battle ensued resulting in their deaths.
In the aftermath an HPD officer was indicted for falsifying evidence, and Acevedo himself is being sued civilly for the matter. But more importantly, it left a scar on the greater Houston community, and created resentment towards police officers.
Acevedo eventually left the Houston Police and was hired as Chief of the Miami Police Department. However, he was fired in just six months after the Fraternal Order of Police gave him a vote of no confidence.
The Merging of Leftist Values and Local Government
Acevedo’s mark on Houston is still evident today with the homosexual themed “Gay Pride” police cruisers. He intended for Houston police to be an integral part of this new celebration and encouraged the top officers to participate in the event. However, that sort of pressure was not received well by all of the rank and file in the HPD.
“Our duty is to protect and serve, not participate in an event that completely goes against our religious beliefs”
- A Houston police commander who asked not to be identified.
Never before have our police had to take a stance on a sexual position. Sexual practices are meant to be for the intimate moments in county residents’ private homes. Not only is it improper to place police in this uncomfortable position, it lessens their ability to perform their job. By promoting the left’s sexual agenda the community at large sees Houston officers as agents of leftist propaganda. Their role as officers of the law gets diminished, and they are taken less seriously.
Leftists often place their social agenda above the duties of their position, and as such the operations of government begin to fail. There is no justification for having our fine officers participate in an outward sexual event. It only mars their reputation and takes their focus off of a profession that requires perfection. As leftist values continue to infest city and county operations it can be expected that officer morale will suffer as will their performance on the job.
How one man can do so much damage to a police department is unimaginable and only the result of a lack of citizen involvement in local government operations. From the deadly Harding Street Raid, to placing the police in these clown cars, Acevedo’s actions have left a lasting harm on the image and reputation of the police force.