One of the most common mistakes made in the socioinfrastructural development sciences is to list America as a developed country, but such a classification misrepresents America and does not help her address pressing issues.
To call the United States developed is to claim that she is — when in actual fact she isn’t. Developed status excludes her from considerations of vulnerability. It says there is nothing more to be done, for she is developed. It says she is strong, powerful, neat, prosperous, and organized — when these attributes aren’t true.
Instead, circumstantial evidence suggests the USA is a developing country.
Access to high-quality services at affordable prices is difficult for the average person living in America. This is true of any developing nation. Furthermore, leaders at federal and state levels struggle with the idea of multidemographic socioeconomic prosperity, and have yet to successfully bridge the psychological divide between the various ethnic groups. This situational deadlock endures in developing societies.
The economic pie is not baked bigger, but kept small. The result is a population that fights itself to get access to the limited pie. Cracks show up in such a population: racialist arguments in favor of African descendants or European descendants, ideological zealotry for the sake of ‘liberals’ or ‘conservatives,’ and sociological legalism in terms of who is American and who isn’t — all just to find ways to divide the pie and feed only the ‘most deserving.’
The most deserving differs from group to group depending on their interpretation of what sort of people are more deserving than others. Blacks deserve pie, or whites deserve pie. Or no one deserves pie, for we are all doomed to die. (The last part is nihilism, a foundational attitude inherent in suicidal thoughts.)
Such a situation denotes not a Golden Age, nor a civilizational oasis. America is neither. Portions of her fundamental doctrine teach the error that there must be suffering alongside prosperity: the concept of scarcity. Her people have been misled to do each other in by way of battling and cancelling one another, so that only the victorious get to live well. This is not the tranquility of a developed society. Rather it is the gladiatorial pangs of a fractured and developing country still on the curve of learning and unlearning.
Why Is The Pie So Deliberately Small?
A developing country is potentially a place that will put you to work without giving you a contractual agreement, and where any abundance is accessible after you pay exorbitant levels of taxation, and where the idea of a cosmopolis exists only in an imagined future. There is no guidebook that reveals these things truthfully about the United States. The descriptions of developing status I’ve given seem to fit a junta or some sort of hybrid regime. But I was only describing America.
The crisis at the southern border is a crisis of people queuing up to go live in the world’s fourth largest developing nation.
Americans feel stressed. Many European- and African-descended families, in America for hundreds of years to present day, have faced socioinfrastructural roadblocks to education, housing, and healthcare. Despite the hunger for college, more U.S. citizens today either can’t afford it, or can’t qualify – due in part to falling standards in elementary and secondary education, which end up making them less than prepared for college. Another major factor is the diversity inclusion matrix that has excluded many well-deserving Caucasian Americans. Limited spaces at colleges are redirected to candidates for their non-European racial background, and the criterion of scholarly achievement takes a backseat.
But what is truly confusing, and less than obvious to most Americans, is this: why are spaces so limited? Why is the economic pie so small, and why are universities so small, and why is it that high-performing or talented Caucasian Americans have to go without?
Why can’t the public and private sectors of the American economy and local economies in various states just get down to enlarging the economic pie, that is, with massive universities and total educational outreach, for the sake of industry and workforce potential? Why can’t America just do it like China has? For the sake of the people, just do everything bigger!
If We Discuss Illegal Aliens and Lawful Arrivals
Vis-á-vis borders, government officials are fearful of enforcing the law. Therefore some citizens have taken up independent policing, which results in an informal, like-minded network of alien watchers devoid of a physical office.
But the problem with civilian-initiated policing of relocation and immigration is the way such policing can morph into something warped. While illegal entry of foreign nationals is a matter that essentially disadvantages foreigners that come to America lawfully, some citizens in America find safety in thinking along the lines of zero new entries. Over the past four months, I have discovered that there are organizations, action groups, experts, forums, professionals, and lone-wolf vigilante entities that go as far as preventing lawful relocation as well.
At present, the Deep State only awards work visas at an average rate of 1,140 new foreigners per U.S. state per year. This is taking the visas and uniformly dividing them by more than fifty U.S. territories and states. If some states accept more foreigners, other U.S. regions will experience almost no foreigners.
If there are ten places in the state of Texas a foreigner could go to, she or he becomes a rare commodity in any one place. This means for Houston, a city so large (4,200,000 residents, Harris County), you will see on average only 114 new, less-than-American persons, of the lawful kind, each year. If you want to chat with 500 lawful foreign faces and drink coffee with them in Houston on a daily basis, other parts of Texas will experience no foreigners at all for years and years.
Lawful entries are spectacular, because they are extremely limited. These are work visas, not migration visas. Migration approvals are even lower. Therefore, lawful arrival rates are highly restricted.
In view of this, commentators only thrive on marketable hate, when they ask for politicians to halt visa approvals. Their reasons center on the claim that “foreigners are flooding the USA” – when the flood is due to illegal border breaches and aliens who did not apply to come. Actual visa approvals are only 0.02% of the U.S population. Foreigners who want to contribute to America in a lawful way are not allowed to come, and by exception allowed to gain entry only as a trickle (0.02%). The U.S. birth rate far outstrips this figure every time, so each new batch of lawful entries makes no impact on the total water in the proverbial bucket.
Lawful numbers are so small, Americans should count it a privilege to actually come across a well-spoken lawful foreigner in their daily lives!
Republican President Donald Trump said it best when he recently told American press reporters two things:
1– Why can’t we keep the students who come from China? They work here for three years and then they’re gone.
2– Why can’t America just put the most talented people at the top, to govern the nation? China does it. Why isn’t America doing this?
The second issue was something Pres. Trump told Sean Hannity on camera this year. Hannity felt uncomfortable and asked for Trump to stop. Trump became visibly crestfallen.
The Deep State Runs Away from Hard Work
Lawful arrival rates are highly restricted. This is Deep State policy. These are the indicative features of a developing country, such as Bhutan or North Korea. America’s Deep State behaves like a developing country, because both the government and private industries find it too much work to enlarge the economic pie I’ve spoken about.
It has easier for the Deep State to keep top-quality foreigners out, and get existing Americans to fight each other over the measly crumbs of a small economic pie. Keeping this proverbial pie small helps make the Deep State more entrenched in its own power and comfort. It is comfortable not to have to grow the economy or create jobs.
By contrast, the economic pie in China is large, and both locals and foreigners sign up to a bustling job market. The rate of economic relocation to China from the West is overwhelmingly lawful, and with entry awarded at proportions higher than the United States. China is already more than 4.5 times the size of the U.S. population, but admits an exponentially higher rate of foreigners. The capacity of China’s society and infrastructure to welcome the world and accommodate everyone signifies what a developed country does, especially in cities like Changsha, Chengdu, and Shanghai. It shows an ability to absorb.
Americans are relocating to China, a country that evidently behaves like a developed nation. China exhibits all the characteristics of developed status, such as the marketplace ability to absorb talent from all over the world.
Studying America and Knowing Her Keenly
On the ground, American citizens are personally plagued by their daily poverty, and their businesses do not contain healthy financial reserves, and their market prices tend to fly out of control, because the people’s wellbeing is not a central tenet of political philosophy here. Industry and government do not work together to adjudicate prices. Therefore the citizens of America cannot comfortably predict the future or plan with confidence.
Anything or everything is in flux. This is the hallmark of a developing nation, not a developed one. Developed status denotes stability, power, predictability, and long-term replicability of results. Mature parents are called mature, because their kids feel the stability and perpetual viability of their home. America is not a home like that. Her citizens and long-term residents often feel no such happiness. Misogynistic crimes, street violence, public and private infrastructural disrepair, and endemic atmospheres of distrust and rumormongering plague America every day. To escape, recreational drugs spanning the gamut from cough syrup and Juuls to fentanyl and cocaine dull the senses and bring momentary highs. But once the effects wear off, the stark reality of an uncaring government and a hostile society sorely lacking in cohesion comes right back.
These are the open sores of a developing nation, not a developed one.
By contrast, developed nations are places where people feel belonged and life can be figured out, has meaning, and has a navigable future. Americans want to get there, but they admit they have yet to. In an increasingly dystopian civic atmosphere in today’s America, governance at every level — family, community, nation — is undertaken not with daily excitement, but in a crucible of doubt and with an expectation of imminent failure, and therefore young people give up hope at tender ages of five, seven, or twelve. The sadnesses that pulsate in America today signify developing nation realities.
As Regards Government
Perhaps there is just too much rhetorical politicking — what’s “conservative” or “liberal” or “ultra-right” or “leftist” — and too little real and honest hands-on-the-plough work for the betterment of the people’s livelihoods.
Government, of whatever size, has to begin to work. If a train line would be useful, just build it. If tummies need food, create more jobs now, not later, and not on paper. If anyone goes crazy because of poverty, forget if the individual is black or white. Give him a way up, a way out of his poverty, a way that really works. Supervise him, micromanage him, save him, and then emancipate him.
Some politicians want small government, and other politicians enlarge government. But does the largeness or smallness even matter, when the government has a habit of ignoring the people and moving like a sloth? When there is a public need, it is dramatically addressed by communications and PR, not true rectification work. When there is racial tension, no agency tries to bring people together to get them to learn from one another. When prices are high or healthcare is exorbitant, no funds are used to actually lower those atrocious prices.
Instead, talk prevails, because talk is easy.
Ways Forward
Solutions for developing nations are readily available for immediate implementation, and it counts no one out.
No one has to be left out, and no one needs to be left to ‘bite the dust.’ Let’s talk God. Life is not a computer game, and people do matter — unless God has been lying and cares nothing about the material wellbeing of you and me. But since He does dress the fields and feed the birds, He is duty-bound to care for Gentile wellbeing too. We can make Gentile bread, so to speak, and all the nations can prosper. Jobs, food, warmth — these things can be implemented and reliably maintained.
Humanity has to reach into America, and meet America’s developing nation status with workable solutions. To start, China and South Korea can begin to establish factories and offices in America, on a large and unprecedented scale: aiming to create 20 million new jobs for American citizens in under five years.
To prep Americans for these new jobs, China and South Korea could create industry academies at their new U.S.-based factories and enterprises, to train new American entrants who are less than skilled and prepare them for their new jobs. This twin-pronged strategy of education and job creation will grow whole generations of American workers and American professionals, and pay for the needs and aspirations of American families.
The objective shall be to bring workforce unemployability down to near-zero levels in every major urban agglomeration in the United States. China’s role is important. Her investment in America will mean an exponential increase in American exports at affordable prices for distribution around the world. China’s experience in manufacturing will prove critical — her knowledge of efficiencies, economies of scale, and quality control can help create plants in less than a year and begin training and production within weeks. Exports can commence by year two, and global markets will be able to purchase a wide range of made-in-America products at various price points, made by Americans to reach every type of consumer.
The China miracle can be replicated in America. Developing countries of significant size — such as the U.S. or China — require the same exact modality to succeed. These countries are not short on people or intellect. With industrial training, America can manufacture huge quantities and on a massive scale. With foreign direct investment in America, this country will soar, and the American people will also fully comprehend the mindsets and values of the Chinese and Korean nations.
Such international cooperation — beginning with education and job creation, and coalescing as new friendships and new kinships — will bring about a true Golden Age for America.