After a two-year lull in scoring due to COVID, The Teachers Education Association has published its 2021-2022 report of schools. Katy ISD earned an A and Fort Bend ISD earned a B.
Katy ISD is the second largest school district in Texas to receive the A rating, after Cy-Fair, the largest. In Katy, 37 campuses earned an overall A, 26 campuses earned an overall B, and 6 campuses earned an overall C.
“The “A+” in our district’s name is a constant reminder of the world-class education our teachers and staff deliver to each Katy ISD student, every day,” said Superintendent Ken Gregorski. “The district’s TEA accountability rating reflects the hard work of our educators, their dedication to all learners, and demonstrates our entire staff and community’s commitment to educational excellence.”
The rating is based on three categories:
- Student Achievement, which evaluates performance across all subjects for students, on both general and alternate assessments; College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR) indicators; and graduation rates
- School Progress, which measures district and campus outcomes in two areas that include the number of students that grew at least one year academically (or are on track) as measured by the STAAR results and the achievement of all students relative to districts or campuses with similar economically disadvantaged percentages.
- Closing the Gaps, which uses disaggregated data to demonstrate differentials among racial/ethnic groups, socioeconomic backgrounds and other factors. Katy ISD earned a 96 in this domain.
Fort Bend ISD earned a B or an 89 overall. In the 2021-22 ratings, FBISD received higher marks for its graduation rate (90) and academic growth (90), and it slipped to slightly lower marks in relative performance regarding the percentage of students considered economically disadvantaged (89) and closing achievement gaps (88). They mention that these scores demonstrate success “despite the learning loss due to COVID.”
Within FBISD, 22 schools improved at least one letter grade or more, compared to the 2018-19 scores. The 2021-22 individual school ratings are:
- 26 schools received an A
- 39 schools received a B
- 9 schools received a C
McAuliffe Middle School, Marshall, and Willowridge high schools did not receive ratings for the 2021-22 school year due to scores less than 70. These schools will be given time to assess and make changes for improvement.
Of the overall B rating, FBISD Superintendent Dr. Christie Whitbeck said, “While these ratings do not capture all the improvements our students have made since the start of the pandemic, they do show that significant growth has taken place. In this school year and beyond, we will continue our work to close the gaps in learning and support all our students. I commend those campuses that increased their performance by an entire letter grade or more.”