Trying to Save Those Who Fight Us


  1. a confusing and difficult problem or question

Getting saved is desirable for the personal quandary of “where will I spend eternity.” However, once we accept Christ as savior and then Lord, our purpose is to help save others for eternity. Here is where being a Christian gets a little challenging.

For example, Jesus was the best Christian to ever live. As a matter of fact, we call ourselves Christ-ians after Him. Jesus came into the scene with people praising him and saying, “Hosanna, glory to God in the highest who has come to save us,” and in the very next scene we see the same people shouting, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!”

Just like Jesus, believers are now facing the conundrum of attempting to save people who aren’t sure they want to be saved. This reminds me of the instructions given to sailors when they are about to help a man who has fallen overboard. The rule of thumb is that you never reach out a hand to help until the third time a person is going under. The reason is they will fight you instead of allowing you to help them. Even though it’s apparent that they are out of control in the water and about to lose their life, they aren’t willing to give up control to you, who is the only one trying to save them…until they are exhausted and have no other choice. It’s at this point where you can grab them and pull them to safety.

This illustration is very similar to what it’s like for a real Christian. First you must surrender totally, so you can be saved. Then you must learn how to navigate the waters of life and help save others who many, many times act as if they do not desire to be saved and may even try to hurt you when you try to help them. Don’t get discouraged, even though it seems like a daunting task. God understands, and He is there to help you in this endeavor. If you stay the course, you will mature in your relationship with Him by doing His will. 

“Pray at all times without ceasing with all kinds of prayer…” (1 Thessalonians 5, Ephesians 6:18).

“Ask anything in my name, and I will do it for you” (John 14:14).

My daily habit is simple. First thing in the morning, I get a little coffee, go to my office, read one chapter from the New Testament, read one chapter in Proverbs, and take some time to pray and meditate over people and the will of God for this day and for my life. I stretch out, then go for a 3-mile jog followed by 45 minutes in the gym. On the jog I pray in the Spirit and listen for a Word from God. While in the gym I continue to listen. I carry my phone to write down what He tells me. When I return to the house, I transfer what He tells me onto my Mac. Then I begin my day which normally consists of mentoring in some form or fashion in person or by phone or Zoom. I pray that God will put someone in my path daily, so that I can be a witness and exercise my faith. He does. 

I hope this message has challenged you today. Yes, serving God is a conundrum, but it’s also achievable!  

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Pastor GF Watkins

G.F. Watkins is an international leader, author, speaker, and church planter. He is the founder of Jordan Ranch retreat center and has planted churches in Texas, Africa, and Peru. As the founder and leader of The Genesis Team, he now oversees and trains ministry leaders worldwide. A one-time All-American athlete and coach, G.F. has used the principles and patterns learned in athletics to encourage, motivate, strengthen, and mobilize thousands. He is considered an authority in the area of Men’s Ministry and on the topic of fatherlessness and has authored 6 books. Visit for more information.