When I was in Jr. High, every guy was into sports. It seemed everyone played football for Coach Hart. It seemed everyone played basketball for Coach Becker. And, because we loved sports, we loved sports magazines. The biggest at that time was Sports Illustrated.
In Jr. High, every guy began to be captivated by girls. It just so happens that at that age, an awkward time, puberty sets in. One day I was in class and noticed the guys looking at a Sports Illustrated. Many of us were subscribers, but this one Sports Illustrated really had the guys’ attention, and no it wasn’t the swimsuit issue. When the teacher walked in, the guys acted all guilty, and shoved the Sports Illustrated under some books that were kept under the desk. I thought that was strange. Yes, we should not be looking at magazines in class, but why such a caught-in-the-act reaction? Later, in another class, I saw the guys all gathered around that same Sports Illustrated, oohing and ahhing, sweat beads on their foreheads.
These were my friends, so I finally went over to see what athlete was featured – was it Roger Staubach, Captain America? Was it Walter Payton, Sweetness himself? When I got close, the guys closed it and said, “You don’t want to see this J.T.”. I didn’t understand. I said, “Yes I do fellas. What are y’all so ramped up about? I have the same issue at home. I don’t remember anything that exciting.” It was then that they opened their Sports Illustrated magazine. Theirs was definitely different from mine. They had taken the cover off the recent Sports Illustrated magazine and put it around a Hustler magazine. They were googling over the naked women. I was shocked. I wanted to look more, but I had given my life to the Lord Jesus and knew that though my flesh wanted to see it, my spirit knew better. I was conflicted but tore myself away. The guys knew I wouldn’t know what to say, which gave them a fun time razzing me in a good-natured way. What I just saw in school was porn hidden.
What is in our schools today is porn promoted. Books with porn can now be checked out by our kids in the school library with all the profanity-laden, descriptive words spelled out. Graphic depictions of sex between one man and one woman. Sex between several men and several women at the same time, taking turns. Sex between a man and a man, a woman, and a woman. Sex acts and sex role plays. Sex between older men and younger boys. All that available in our schools to our kids in the name of “education.”
Educators will even say it is for the physical well-being of our kids, so that they know how, and how-to in a safer manner. The administrators say it is for the mental health of those whose preferences go against the norm, to remove the taboo – all in the name of suicide-prevention. No longer do the boys in Jr. High need a Sports Illustrated cover to mask their hormonal pull, they can open it up, leave it on the desk, and even invite the teacher over for some scholarly rating of the method.
The only ones this is being somewhat hidden from are the parents of these kids. Many in the Education Industrial Complex believe the parents are not sophisticated enough to engage their children in an intellectual conversation about such things. Today, teachers can take our daughters down to get an abortion to protect them from irrational-reacting parents. Now the school nurse can get the birth control for our teens without our permission, all in the name of sexual health.
What has happened to our nation? What has happened in our schools? It is called indoctrination.
Porn can be allowed in the school library, but not a Bible – God forbid that, or should I say Academia forbid that. Reeducation camps are being built all around our cities. Have you noticed how many “schools” and school buildings are being built with your tax dollar, yet you as a parent and a taxpayer are labeled too simple to have a say in what is taught?
I praise God for Christian teachers and Christian administrators who are objecting and refusing to go along. It is time we take back our nation and that begins in our homes and in the schools. We need to let our tax dollars go to the schools we send our kids – public schools, private schools, Christian schools, or legitimate homeschools. If the money is moved from such vileness, I think the public schools will realize they must answer to the parents and the taxpayers or cease to exist. God says woe to the culture that calls wrong right, and right wrong. God is calling us through Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Will we respond?