Featured Photo: Calvary’s Prek3 class with Richmond Fire Department. Students left to right: Grayson Seabolt -Moen, Ayo Olaniran, Prisha Christy, Thomas Facker, Alexander Herbert, David Herbert, and front is Aaliyah Stennis
Calvary’s Pre-Kindergarten 3-year-old and 4-year-old students received a special visit from the Richmond Fire Department. Calvary students are learning about community helpers and fire safety. The Richmond Fire Department taught students what to do when there is a fire, what to do when they see a fireman, who to call, and then reviewed the fire truck and fire equipment. Students learned a lot and had fun!
Students Sophia Knath and Giana Garber are part of the fire safety lesson as they learn and demonstrate how to stop, drop and roll.
Students loved learning about fire safety!
Richmond Fire Department shows Calvary Pre-K4 students all of the equipment they use.
Students watched as a normal man was transformed into a fireman. An emphasis of this visit was for students to understand that in the case of a fire to not be afraid of the fireman.