If you are part of the Christian, conservative media movement and advertise on Google and/or YouTube, chances are great that your content is being heavily censored.
Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine published our first magazine on November 5, 2005, so we are starting our 17th year of publishing on November 5, 2021. When I first started our magazine, I was one of seven Christian publishers in the greater Houston, Texas area. Now I am the sole survivor.
Up until last year, we were a standard, bi-monthly publication, reaching a combined 50,000 readers with our magazines. But due to COVID and the lockdowns last year, we, like so many in our industry that are still around, went strictly digital in May 2020.
We had around 20,000 page views from mid-May 2020 to June 30, 2020 (about a six-week span). Our best month last year was just under 66,000 page views. Now, over the past four months (May 2021-August 2021) we have averaged over 225,000 monthly page views. Not many websites in Texas can boast of that many monthly readers.
At the end of March of this year, we launched our very own YouTube channel, and have posted a new satire (political comedy) video every Friday night at 7:00 p.m. (CST). I was told that most YouTubers will spend the better part of a year trying to get their first video to 1000 views. Our first video had over 3000 views, followed up with our second video that garnered over 22,000 views. Pretty amazing feat considering we started with absolutely no subscribers to our channel and everything was strictly grassroots.
After a couple of months, I started a Google Ads account that greatly helped (at first) with growing our channel. Up until about a month ago, our videos averaged anywhere from 10,000- 32,000 views, with most falling in the 15,000-25,000 range.
That’s when I started noticing that our videos were falling flat with our intended audience. I logged into my Google Ads account, and lo and behold, Google had cancelled our account for violating community standards, which clearly, none of our videos does. Plus, I noticed that we were hardly getting any “suggested video” views through YouTube, which generally averaged, depending on the video, anywhere from 10-25% of our views.
Google, which owns YouTube, commands nearly 30% of the worldwide, digital advertising market, and can pretty much dictate which ads can and will be seen. If they like the content that you are developing, they can fast-track your channel to unchartered heights overnight. If they do not like the content that you are creating, they can pretty much guarantee that no one will ever see it simply by denying you advertising or secondary views.
Oh sure, your channel is still there, but you cannot advertise it nor get “suggested video views” that most videos get by getting caught up in the algorithm. You simply cannot be found unless people know exactly where to look. Everything that you do from that point on is strictly grassroots, with no help whatsoever from Google or YouTube.
In fact, if they see your content continuing to grow after being restricted (shadow banned), they can simply delete your account with the mere click of a button. It’s like your channel never existed. They can claim you violated community standards, which apparently only conservative media can do.
Think about it. A former United States President, Donald J Trump, is not allowed on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and most other social media platforms, while terrorist groups and the Taliban are? Does that make any sense to anyone with at least a halfway functional brain?
I am a big fan of Liberal Hivemind on YouTube, whom I have encouraged many people to follow. He usually posts three 10-minute videos daily, and I tend to watch all three. He has been heavily censored and shadow banned himself ever since I started watching his content over a year ago.
Thankfully, his channel is soaring through his grassroots campaigns and excellent content, while most other conservative media platforms, including ours, are not.
Is there anything that can be done to stop this censorship? Well, with God all things are possible, but it takes a lot of time and energy to continue this never-ending battle as to what I view as good versus evil. I am a fighter and never quit, but most others will simply tire of the fight and give up. Many times, during this past year–and–a–half, I have had the mindset that I should simply throw in the towel.
But I view what I am doing now as one of the single most important jobs known to mankind: trying to educate people on Christ, while combating this cultural rot that is slowly consuming our nation from the anti-God Marxists that are now running the world. We are at a time now more than ever, where we need an opposing view and voice, but there are just a handful of us left “fighting the good fight.”
There are ways you can help. Simply subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch a few videos. Share them with a few friends and ask them to do the same. Also leave a comment and a like to help the YouTube algorithm. It’s as easy as that and it is absolutely free.