Texas “Barefoot Defender” Testifies on Rifle Ban and Constitutional Carry Bills

Hero at Largest Mass Shooting in Texas Supports the Rights of Fellow Texans

Sutherland Springs, Texas (March 30, 2021) – Gun rights in Texas are up for review.  At issue, is House Bill 127 (HB127), which seeks to restrict gun rights, and require citizens to obtain a permit to carry a long gun in public. HB127 would make it illegal to open carry a rifle in public.

Another bill currently on the floor is House Bill 1238 (HB1238). This bill seeks to implement Constitutional Carry in Texas. A group of legislators and their constituents are fighting against this movement.   

Constitutional Carry has been adopted in 19 states over the past few years. Currently, Texas remains an open carry state for handguns with a license and unlicensed for long rifles. Under HB1238, Texans would have Constitutional rights restored, removing the barrier requiring legal gun-owning Americans to obtain a license to carry their firearm.

Mr. Willeford testified on both bills: first in opposition of HB127, and then in support of HB1238.

Stephen Willeford’s aka “The Good Guy With a Gun” complete testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security and Public Safety at the Capitol in Austin, Texas (3/25/10): www.youtube.com/watch?v=A15-dW-6aSY (YouTube 4:36 minutes).

“I trust the people of Texas to carry firearms, the 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional right, not a privilege,” said Stephen.

“After the historic hearing of four permit less or Constitutional Carry bills, I look forward to a vote to move them to the House floor,” said Richard “Rick” Briscoe, Legislative Director for Open Carry Texas, “I ask all freedom loving Texans to call or e-mail their Representative in Austin asking them to vote for Constitutional Carry!”

Testimony from some of the largest pro-gun groups in Texas included National Rifle Association, Texas Gun Rights, Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), Gun Owners of America, Open Carry Texas, and many individuals.

Of note was the testimony and appearance of author Dr. John R. Lott, R. who wrote the influential book on gun control: “Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched ‘studies’ have twisted the facts on gun control”, which is available on Amazon.com.

A documentary of the mass shooting in Texas where a shooter killed 26 churchgoers and injured 23 others has recently been released by Director Charlie Minn entitled “Miracle on 4th Street” (www.MiracleOn4th.com).  Stephen Willeford is believed to have saved lives that day when he shot the madman six times with his open carried rifle, an act that would have been illegal under HB127.

Stephen Willeford is available to speak at your church, company, or event, to tell his story, and talk about church safety and preparedness. Please visit: www.StephenWilleford.com for more information.

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