After the destruction and hatred that took place in the Holocaust, a mantra came forth that said, “Never again!” Never again would hate run rampant… never again would genocide diminish any portion of a country’s population… never again would someone be unjustly judged because of their heritage… never again would the citizens of a country be indoctrinated to believe that some ethnicities are less valuable than others… never again….
More than seventy years have passed since that fateful time in history, but the message at times has lost its impact on the world as a whole. But, in spite of the regression in ideology, there is a group of people who are striving to overcome the past. That group is the Holocaust Remembrance Association, part of a world-wide movement for reconciliation between all groups that were included in the Holocaust: victims, their descendants, NAZI’s and their descendants, and liberators and their descendants, as well as anyone else who is interested in healing for that part of history.
The local group is based in Kingwood, Texas, but has a membership that encompasses all of the state of Texas. They have added a new watchword to their cause: “Reconciliation. NOT Hate!”
Because this is the season for Jewish festivals, HRA18 will hold a special event in on the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot, on Saturday, October 4, 2020. The celebration will take place at the Garden of Hope at King’s Harbor in Kingwood. Although COVID-19 has changed the way this group would like to celebrate, the festivities will go on, nonetheless. The difference is that participants will be social distanced and wearing protective masks.
Activities will include lively music, rock painting, Israeli dancing, puppet shows, and peaceful proclamations. The family-friendly event will last from 1 pm till 4 pm and everyone is invited.
What: Reconciliation, Not Hate Global Day of Action
When: Sunday, October 4, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Kings Harbor in Kingwood, Texas [map]
free parking free event free give – aways
Click here to register Bring the kids