Looking for a place and a way to pray, particularly as kids navigate returning to school in the midst of a pandemic?
Right inside your own house (and at the innovative Great Southwest Prayer Center) you can pray individually or in groups for the person, issue, or problem closest to your heart. The Great Southwest Prayer Center, also known as GSWPC, is a geographic location set apart as a place of prayer. It is located inside the Mansion of Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church’s campus. Upon arriving, you’ll notice prayer stations to encourage and enhance prayers for the church, the city of Katy, the United States, the nations, our leaders, healing, freedom, the lost and much more.
There are two prayer rooms that can be reserved for yourself or for a small group: The War Room and Jordan’s Crossing. They provide cozy, peaceful places to retreat and spend time alone with God. GSWPC also offers a larger prayer space, the Moravian Room, available 24/7 with a convenient bathroom. All spaces provide a sanctuary for prayer, a place to reflect and grow your relationship with God away from the distractions of the world.
Regina Alexander, Director of Community Relations on the Compassion Katy board, said, “All are welcome to come, sit, pray, worship Jesus, and read their Bibles, regardless of denomination or church affiliation. We encourage people to come, step away from their personal pursuits or even ministry for a time, and engage in the prayer and worship taking place here and encounter God in a refreshing way.”
For those who wish to avoid public places and pray from home, GSWPC offers an Audience of One option that encourages constant and consistent prayer. Director Samantha Rude created a Back 2 School Prayer Page for parents, pastors, and teachers. It includes all the KISD Schools, so folks can pray for each school by name. They can also use the site to access scriptures to pray over kids, topics to pray over various grades, and prayers designated specifically for parents and kids. Just click on #Back2School2020 to begin the prayer program today.
“There are still many unknowns before us,” Alexander said,” but we know the One who sees all, knows all, and hears us when we call. Let’s join our faith together and declare THIS IS THE YEAR of blessing over KISD- our precious students, our grads, our college aged community, the administrations and staff of every center of education- including our homeschooling families!