Pastor Profile: Pastor Jim Leggett of Grace United Methodist Church

Katy Christian Magazine had the pleasure to meet Pastor Jim Leggett, the founding Pastor of Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church. Pastor Leggett is an amazing and humble man of God, who has a strong drive to serve the Lord. His church, Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, was founded in 1996 by what Pastor Leggett describes as a start-up team.

Rains-0729---CropFollowing His Calling

Pastor Leggett accepted and invited the Lord Jesus Christ into his life as his lord and savior at the age 16. Although Leggett gave his life to the Lord at the age of 16, he first felt the calling to preach at age twenty while leading a college Bible study. “As a youth pastor, I was able to share the Good News of a personal, saving relationship with Jesus Christ,” Leggett says. It wasn’t until a year later, at the age of twenty-one, that he accepted the call to preach. 

2010-Olivia-Stevenson-baptismGrace Fellowship’s Vision

“Grace Fellowship believes that the Bible is the Word of God tells us of God’s love and plans for our lives. God sent His son to die for our sins and provide a way for us to have an eternal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ,” Pastor Leggett said. According to Leggett, this is at the core of Grace Fellowship Church’s identity. “It is the vision of Grace Fellowship to be a house of prayer for all nations. We love children and youth, and it is a high priority for us to provide great ministry to the families,” Leggett said.

A Family of Faith

Pastor Leggett has been married to his wife, Lisa, for 27 years. Proverbs 18:22 says, “he who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” This scripture perfectly describes Lisa Leggett. She proudly supports both her husband and Grace Fellowship, ministering side by side with her husband for God’s glory. God has blessed the Leggetts with three children, ages 22, 20, and 15. 

Grace-Fellowship-UMCFor more information about Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church, visit them at We also invite you to stop by on Sundays at 8:45 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Grace Fellowship United Methodist Church is located at 2655 South Mason Road, Katy, TX 77450.

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