Gordon Rosel
Classification: Senior
Faith West Academy
Gordon Rosel, 18, of Katy, has earned the prestigious Eagle Scout Award, the highest rank the Boy Scouts of America offers to Scouts. Rosel was recognized in ceremonies on Sunday, April 29 at St. Peter’s Methodist Church in Katy. He earned the rank of Eagle on February 27, 2013.
A member of Troop 209, chartered by St. Peter’s Methodist Church, Rosel is one of approximately 4 percent of all Boy Scouts who attain the Eagle rank. Each candidate must earn 21 merit badges and successfully complete a service project that benefits a non-profit organization or the community. To earn his Eagle, Rosel develop a Land Navigation Course in George Bush Park that benefits the National Guard Armory, the Boy Scouts, and the general public.
Rosel began scouting in kindergarten in Cub Scout Pack 443. As a Cub he earned ranks of Tiger, Wolf, and Webelos. When asked what was the most difficult badge to earn he stated; “It was the rock climbing because I didn’t know how to tie all those knots.” His favorite activity was camping (with over 100 nights of overnight camping to his credit) and admits his favorite camping staple is Pop-Tarts. Gordon received the Triple Crown last summer by completing all three national high-adventure bases operated by the Boy Scouts of American.
Rosel has been a member of the swim and football teams as well as the FFA at Faith West Academy, where he is a senior. In the fall Rosel plans to attend Sam Houston University to major in Criminal Justice. He was inspired by Scoutmaster Drew Young, a scoutmaster of Troop 209, who in on Houston’s bomb squad. Rosel wants to one day be on the SWAT, because “I see a need for justice and this where I am suppose to go,” he said.