Student Spotlight: Chelsea Alcala

Chelsea Alcala
Classification: Junior
Faith West Academy

“I used to want to become a doctor, but now it’s making a difference in someone’s life,” Chelsea said about her future ambition. “Honestly, I don’t know what that looks like, but I have been humbled by volunteer work.”  Within the last year Chelsea has logged more than 110 volunteer hours at St. Justin Martyr Social Ministries and 65 hours at West Houston Medical Center with the sole purpose of helping to make a difference.  Her plans are to continue this volunteerism during spring and summer breaks.  As president of the International Club she has spear headed that group to take on a global initiative to supply clean water to people throughout the world via organizations such as Global H20.  For $20, these organizations provide one person clean water for life-thus making a difference. What are you passionate about?

Chelsea recently won 1st Place in Social Studies at the TAPPS District meet. She is also a second year tennis player. After starting as a beginner last year, this year feels like a reward knowing the game and being able to compete with players that have had much more experience. Chelsea is also a member of PAL (Peer Assistant and Leadership where she mentors four elementary school age children) and attends St. Justin Martyr. 



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