Intense Men 2011

Are You Ready? It’s that time again when men of all ages, races, and size…

Local Business Spotlight: The Healing Center

Katy Christian Magazine is beginning a series of articles on unusual Christian businesses. This particular article focuses on holistic wellness with medical supervision. We, as a society, have been conditioned to report…

Faithwest Academy to Perform ‘The Miracle’

Miracles, by definition, fall outside scientific explanations. Miracles are God’s intervention in nature. On Tuesday, April 20, Faith West Academy will transform its facilities into the city of Jerusalem 2000 years ago.…

The Century 21 Brand Continues to Expand in west Houston

Century 21 Real Estate LLC. is fortifying its presence within Houston with the affiliation of Goldman Meyer Properties. Located in the Energy Corridor, the boutique firm has served Greater Houston metro area…


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