The Shining City on a Hill

Where is everybody?

As we watch a repeat of the same people who were there for the Antifa, BLM and “summer of hell,” and we witness subsequent regular, paid mobs do their thing on campuses across America, there is one silence that is telling.

Where is everyone on our side? Who is here to support President Donald J. Trump as he goes on trial in our place?

I will never forget standing in front of the Supreme Court, where I had rushed to as an important hearing was taking place. I was certain the hearing would have amassed a large crowd of our fellow supporters, only to encounter nobody.

I had asked around among the regular reporters who cover the Supreme Court. “Did any of our supporters show up earlier?” I had inquired. The response was something that I have never forgotten.

One jaded, longtime Supreme Court reporter said, “You guys are on the right side, but you always lose because you never show up. They are on the wrong side, but they always show up, so they always win.”

His point was spot on.

In attending critical hearings, again, the contrast is the same.

Our dear friends at Code Pink, a radical, leftist organization that by business model loudly disrupts hearings and hits up congressmen and senators, attended a long-awaited hearing. The hearing should have been packed with supporters cheering on our side and hitting up congressmen for not supporting our cause. Yet who showed up? On our side was a miniscule group of regulars who sat silently in the half-full audience.

When the hearing was over, nobody hit up the congressmen for betraying us; nobody confronted them directly and let them know how their constituents truly felt. Nobody committed even limited disruption of the hearing.

Nobody is saying we need to identically follow the antics of ANTIFA, BLM, Code Pink and a dozen other radical, often Marxist organizations in their methods. Yet as the jaded reporter said, showing up counts.

When there is an important hearing or a wayward congressman and/or Senator who betrays us, they should know it and feel it firsthand. We should share firsthand, to their faces, how we all feel. In their sheltered offices surrounded by staffers, they’re kept from this truth.

One of the biggest reasons officeholders do not act on our behalf is that they never hear from us. In the bubble of Washington, D.C., they are disconnected from the majority of the country.

When President Donald J. Trump shows up to court, he represents all of us by standing up to the corrupt system that calls good, “evil,” and evil, “good.” He should be mobbed by our people, cheering him on and giving him the encouragement and blessings he needs as he fights for us. We should let him know that we have his back. 

So, take a day off. Spend a little of your money for your beloved country and for our beloved president and show up. Even if just for a day, go to New York, stand in front of the courthouse and let our president know how much you love him and how grateful you are for all he has done for you. Let him know that you have his back.

He needs to hear from us, he needs us to have his back and the world needs to see that the “silent majority” is silent no more. The roar of good will overwhelm evil.

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Amir George

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq and directs The World Helpline at