“MORE, MORE, MORE! We want MORE!” was the tone set by illegal aliens in New York City last week, as if the hundreds of billions being spent on them were not enough already.
NY City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino torched illegals who came to complain about the city’s accommodations: “MORE MORE MORE. “
“How much more are we supposed to do for you?” “I have to ask you all: What motivated you to come here thinking the streets are paved in gold?? They are not,” she stated.
To add insult to injury, one illegal alien in New York spoke through a translator to complain about the free meals, housing, and more: “Even on Ramadan we could not eat during breaks because the food is not good at all,” he complained.
For yet another, ungrateful freeloading illegal alien, he posted on X, “Water is not good, food is not good, hotel is not good! We haven’t received any pocket money for three months!”
In a new, shocking revelation, late last year over 5,000 cooked meals were thrown out by illegal aliens in a single day at one shelter in NYC without being eaten, costing the city over $700,000. Many illegals complained that the [free] food didn’t taste good enough or that it was too unhealthy.