Joe Biden Paying Illegal Aliens $2,200 a Month Plus Free Housing, Travel and Medical Services

In comparison, the average social security recipient averages less than $1800.00 a month.

Photo: This is how American taxpayers are rewarded for paying the expenses of illegal aliens illegally entering our country.

It pays big time to break the law by entering the United States illegally. The Biden Administration is paying illegal aliens $2200 a month, plus free housing, travel and medical services, while the average social security recipients’ struggle to survive under the crushing inflation imposed on them by Biden.

To put that in perspective, the survivors of the recent Maui wildfires that claimed 115 lives with hundreds still missing only received a one-time payment of just $700 per family.

Natural born Americans on Social Security averaged just under $1800 a month, according to federal data.

“The Biden-Harris administration is giving more money to illegal immigrant invaders, than to our own U.S. citizens” said William Gheen, president of ALIPAC. “Once a person understands that, then that person will always be on our side of the illegal immigration debate, which is very simple. Keep them all out, send them all home.”

“In an important story out of Arizona” Gheen added, “The Biden-Harris administration has ordered the border patrol to weld border gates and fencing open, and that should tell them everything that they need to know about illegal immigration is happening.”


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Joseph Menslage

As the President and Publisher of Katy and Fort Bend Christian Magazines, Joe Menslage is committed to covering social and political news from a Christian worldview. He founded Katy Christian Magazine in 2005, which swept the greater Houston and Katy areas like a storm. That’s when Joe realized the urgent need for publications willing to give voices to the voiceless, without political correctness or censorship. Joe Menslage founded sister-publication Fort Bend Christian Magazine in 2014. Prior to creating Katy Christian Magazine, Joe Menslage led a colorful life. He was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana, spent a great deal of his childhood in Colorado, and lived in a couple of other states before he moved to Houston in 1981. Joe was God-gifted with an entrepreneurial mind, and self-started other business ventures before he found his calling. In Joe’s words, our innate talents are given by the Lord, and are meant to be used to serve the Lord. Aside from being a President and Publisher, Joe Menslage is also the co-founder of Katy Christian Chamber of Commerce, where Christians can network, build business connections, listen to passionate speakers, and enjoy monthly breakfasts and lunches. Joe Menslage also hosts a weekly political satire YouTube channel. Joe Menslage has four children. Outside of work, he enjoys hiking, watching zombie movies and K dramas, ax-throwing and Krav Maga.