On May 22, the Space Cowboys take on the Oklahoma City Dodgers at Constellation Field, but there’s more to this day than just baseball.
This special game will promote awareness and education about autism in Fort Bend County. Hope For Three, a local nonprofit and advocacy organization, will hold its primary outreach and fundraising event, Strike Out Autism, at the venue. Presented by Fred & Mabel R Parks Foundation, 450 Fort Bend County family members from the autism community will come together for a one-of-a-kind Family Fun Day.
County Judge KP George, all 18 Fort Bend city mayors, 400 volunteers, and Space Cowboy fans will bring the community together and honor children and families living with autism. Pre-game festivities include food, fun, and fellowship, and a live and silent auction for all in attendance to help raise funds for Hope For Three.
“The impact of this event has gone beyond the families we serve,” said Darla Farmer, Hope For Three CEO. “When a community comes together and is made aware of community members affected by autism, we provide the opportunity for everyone to be more inclusive, kind, and caring to others around us.”
Autism is a developmental disorder that impacts the nervous system and impairs the ability to communicate and interact. The range and severity of autism spectrum disorder can vary widely for each individual but always affects a family.
Hope For Three has awarded more than $1.5 million in financial aid and provided resources to 6,000 inquiring parties. Programs such as the Teen Huddle and It’s Cool To Care have directly impacted more than 17,000 students, counselors, nurses, and educators. The organization also partners with the Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office through the Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) and Take Me Home programs, providing education and training on autism characteristics and engagement strategies. To date, they’ve trained over 2,500 members of law enforcement.
Awareness and fundraising events like Strike Out for Autism help Hope For Three fulfill their mission to be the difference for uniquely able children and young adults. Sponsorships, tickets, and resources are available at www.hopeforthree.org/events/.
Courtesy Photos: Hope For Three: (L to R Front Row): The inspiration for Hope For Three’s existence, the Montgomery triplet’s aka “The Triple Divas,” Lauren, Londyn, Lakin, and big brother Collin Montgomery and Strike Out volunteers Ashley Adams, Tammy Green, Artesha Barstock (and player from the New Britain Bees) gathered for a one-of-a-kind Family Fun Day known as Strike Out Autism at Sugar Land Space Cowboys Constellation Field.
L to R: First Lady Sonya Stevenson, The Fort Bend Church, Autism Mom and Hope For Three Board member, Lynn Clouser, and daughter Lauryn raising autism awareness and acceptance at the annual Strike Out Autism Family Fun Day