Changing the Channel in My Mind

Once upon a time, I worked full time at KANI Country Radio, a small country music station. It was my job to either cover the local news or sell advertising. As I went about my duties, I usually kept my car radio tuned to the station so I would keep up with whatever was happening on the air. 

Before you pass judgment on me for working in such a questionable location, please know I needed the income. I was a divorcee with four little ones and this was a job that I was good at. However, it was not the kind of environment that encouraged solid Christian thinking. 

Country music has a way of getting a strong picture across with the way it uses words and it was no different in the late ‘70’s. Before long, I was singing along with “Take this Job and Shove It,” or “Jolene,” or “Behind Closed Doors,” and “Who’s Cheating Who?” There were dozens of songs with lyrics that were not conducive to Godly thinking and it was then that I realized I needed to change the channel in my mind. 

It wasn’t easy, but I chose to think on other songs and words, even as my mind was assaulted with all the station had to offer. I had to choose to dwell on praise songs and think on things from above rather than banal things of Earth.

I intentionally tuned the channel in my mind to realize I had “My Father’s Eyes,” and “You Light up my Life,” as I sang to the Lord. I remembered to “Put my Hand in the Hand of the Man who Walked on Water” as I took “One Day at a Time.” Changing the mental channel made it easy to see “The Day He Wore my Crown” and “What a Difference He Made in my Life.”

Even though I haven’t worked at that station for more than 40 years, I still find myself having to change that channel in my mind. Sometimes it’s because of a negative report from a doctor. Sometimes it’s because someone has been complaining and I join in concerning whatever perceived misjustice has happened. Sometimes it’s because I spend too much time dwelling on the negatives in life rather than the positives.

Its easy to let the prerecorded message saturate my brain, but it takes effort to intentionally change the channel. 

Philippians 4:8 King James Version

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

2 Corinthians 10:5 King James Version

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ…

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Elizabeth Moreno

Elizabeth Dettling Moreno, AKA “Miss Liz,” is a retired Language Arts teacher who became a published author after retirement. Moreno, who has authored seven books, is the mother of four sons and one daughter, sixteen grandchildren, and several great grandchildren. After being a widow for two years, she married Randy Tolman in November of 2021 and moved to Camp Lost Pines in Warda, Texas. They have started a ministry together called “Life After Death Revivals.” For information on books or ministry, call 979-533-0216 or email