Abortion as an issue has become a lightning rod in America. People have staked out their position on both sides and tend to view those who disagree with them as the enemy. As a staunch pro-life advocate, I firmly believe we have ample room to change hearts and minds. We see minds changed many times after the birth of a child or when expectant parents see the sonogram of their unborn child.
Medicine has advanced to the point where babies that have been delivered at 20-22 weeks post-fertilization can survive and thrive. Medical technology has also revealed that these babies can feel pain in the womb. When we talk about late-term abortion, ending the life of a baby after 20 weeks, even staunch abortion advocates tend to agree it’s wrong. National polls reflect that a majority of Americans, including those who favor abortion, support a late-term ban.
This gruesome practice was brought into the spotlight in recent years thanks to Philadelphia’s Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was convicted of three counts of murder and one count of involuntary manslaughter for grisly late-term abortions and abhorrent medical practices that not only took the lives of innocent children, but endangered the lives of the women he treated.
America sits at a crossroads. Sadly, we are one of only seven nations in the world that allow abortions past five months. It’s past time to put an end to this gruesome practice. We have a president in the White House that celebrates life and is committed to defending it. In October, the House passed H.R. 36, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would prohibit abortions on unborn babies 20 weeks or older, based on substantial medical evidence that the unborn child can feel pain at least by this point. Notably, the bill provides exemptions for rape or when the life of the mother is at stake.
President Trump stated that he will sign this bill into law if Congress passes it. It is now up to the Senate to send a message to the majority of Americans who support ending late-term abortion that they support them, by passing this legislation.
Congress has a sacred obligation to speak up and defend those who can’t speak for themselves. We can seize this moment as one that will define our nation and our culture. Do we want to be a nation that values life? For too long, we have been a torchbearer for abortion, keeping company with countries with egregious human rights violations like China and North Korea. This is a critical opportunity to send a message that America values life by taking this critically important step to end late-term abortions.