As you know, Easter is approaching! Many Christians hold onto the true significance of the holiday – a celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Unfortunately, over the years, Easter has taken on a worldy nature. Easter egg hunts have replaced Sunday Services and Easter bunnies are displayed at large, rather than the death of Christ on the Cross.
While I have no inherent problem with these secular traditions, it bothers me that the focus of Easter has shifted from its true meaning. Without the death of Christ on the cross, there would be salvation for sinners. Jesus paid the price for sin, and without his sacrifice, we would be lost. It is so essential to hold onto the spirituality of this beautiful holiday. “15That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” – John 3:15-17 (KJV)
This issue also features our Christian Voters’ Guide. Katy Christian Magazine and Fort Bend Christian Magazine have been privileged to meet and interact with most of these candidates, and collected questionnaires that adequately portray their values. Hopefully these will prove useful to you when voting!
Many of these races are very tough to call and most of the people running are genuinely good people. I have developed a close relationship with some of the candidates, and I fully believe they are the most well suited and morally conscious people for the job. I would include Daryl Segura, Troy Nehls, Frank Yeverino, Vincent Morales, Clyde Leuchtag, and Wayne Thompson in this category.
Likewise, some people have been in office for far too long, and change is desperately needed. They campaign to us and promise one thing, and once in Washington, it’s business as usual. It’s necessary to elect candidates who intend on fulfilling their promises. I believe James Lloyd to be one of these people- he would make an excellent member of Congress. He has my vote.
Whomever you decide to vote for, I think issues that should be of the utmost important to Christians are pro- God, pro-life, and pro- family platforms. I believe that the people we have endorsed are the best and most qualified candidates’ we have.