Sustained Fire! Until They Are Consumed!

When the military prepare to invade and occupy a territory they first send in air assaults. As the air force maintains sustained fire toward the enemy the ground troops invade and occupy. The military continue to maintain fire and establish order till they have completely won the battle.

Our Lord Jesus told us to occupy till he comes.

People call me every day from all over the world asking what they need to do to win. Most just want me to pray for them and wave a magic wand so their problems will be over. I remember when I was at the same place. I would run from Conference to Conference. Call pastors, just knowing that if they prayed for me all would be well.

I remember one night after I had cried myself to exhaustion. I was on the floor in my room balled up and rocking back and forth. “Lord why do I have to fight so hard?” “Why are my chains not breaking?” I wailed. “I have been your daughter for 5 years, praying and fasting. I have changed my life,” “Why, Lord why?” I cried. “I don’t want to fight no more,” I cried with tears streaming.

I was anointed for war pretty early in my walk with God. When I got saved I pretty much started warfare prayers for months with intense fasting. All I did was go to work and pray. That was my life. I wanted something from God. I was saved now and wanted my inheritance. I wanted my life whole. I was not trying to be a preacher, God kept showing me the bondages in my life and I fought like crazy to break them. One of my sisters in the Lord still laughs today because I almost took her head off when she said she saw me as a Preacher ‐ a mighty one. Yet, here I was 5 years later, still on the floor with issues and tears!

That night the Holy Spirit spoke to me. “Warrior princess, get up and fight!” At that moment a jolt of energy hit me. I jumped up! I felt a rage swell up in me against the Devil ‐ I felt like I could snap the head off of any demon!

I reared up like an angry bear and said “I come right now from my throne in heavenly places, above principalities and power and might and dominion. I attack from my place beside Jesus.” I started fighting. I released fire, brimstone, axe, locust, liquid sulfur, Holy Ghost hand grenades. I was fighting and screaming and kicking. Afterwards, exhausted, I fell on my bed and slept with sweat still flowing.

That night the Lord showed me the battle. I was in heavenly places standing on a bright throne with fire, clouds and angels flying all around. As I said “Thunder” I saw thunder rolling at my command to do what I asked it to do. I said “Fire” and I saw a big ball of fire rolling off towards the mountains. I said “Angels” and I saw them fly away like fighter jets at my command. Down below, I could see mountains being blown up, demons scattering. It was amazing!

I woke up the next morning with the realization of the damage our prayers can do to the kingdom of darkness. “Cool!” I chuckled. I realized I was a warrior and my life would be better if I surrendered to the call. There was no use running anymore. I was called to be a trench fighter, a warrior in the Kingdom of God.

I was God’s warrior princess. I have stayed on sustained fire ever since.

What is sustained fire?

  • It is invading the camp of the enemy and recovering what he has stolen. It is staying at the enemy and pushing till you get a breakthrough.
  • It is that stubborn resolution not to give up until you enter your Promised Land. It is deciding that enough is enough and you are done losing
  • It is raiding the camp of the enemy and fighting till you recover your stuff It is fighting till you are occupying your allocation from God
  • It is fighting till you pull out from the spirit into the physical that prophesy God has placed in your Spirit It is knocking at the mountain chip by chip till it disappear.
  • It is praying and fasting till your child, your husband, your wife gets saved and starts serving God.
  • It is praying and fasting till the drug dealers leave your neighborhood or that night club closes down.

What is sustained fire?

  • It is refusing to take “No.” for an answer.
  • It is bombarding heaven and hell till Creation responds to you.
  • Many of us live and die without ever achieving 1/100th of that which was meant for us.

To go on sustained fire:

  • You have to be sick and tired of getting tossed around by the enemy.
  • You have to have a righteous anger at the devil and what he is doing in your life and in the lives of those you love
  • You have to be tired of your circumstances and decide they have to change permanently. You have to have a violent stubborn resolution not to lose anymore.
  • You have to decide you will fulfill your destiny or die trying! Decide your story must change!

If people walk down a grass path enough the grass will lie down and eventually wither. If they continue, it will disappear and there will be a clean tract. Most of the time if people stop walking the path, grass grows back and obliterates the path. There are some paths though, that have been walked for so long, that even many years after it is no longer used it still remains a clean path.

That is sustained fire. Psalm 18:37.

Stay tuned.

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