Pastor Profile: Dr. Ed Young

Dr. Ed Young is the busy senior pastor of one church on five campuses. Founded in 1927, the church has much to offer children, youth, families and volunteers. Worshipers converge at the Houston (Woodway) location as well as Katy (West), Pearland (South), Kingwood (North) and Cypress. With nearly 60,000 members, Sundays are a busy day of celebrating Christ. Weekday ministries also abound. As Dr. Young is fond of saying, “There’s something for everyone at Second.”

Young is a proud husband and father. As a testament to the importance of being equally yoked, Jo Beth and Dr. Young were married June 28, 1959, and have celebrated their 52nd anniversary. They have three sons and 10 grandchildren. Their son, Cliff, is the lead singer in the popular Christian band, Caedmon’s Call – which has ties to Katy. Mrs. Young teaches Bible classes at the West Campus in Katy and the Woodway Campus in Houston.

Young is renowned for his parenting and marriage wisdom which he shares on his Winning Walk broadcast ministry. He’s authored several books on the topic, including Against All Adds: Family Survival in a Hostile World, Romancing the Home: How to Have a Marriage That Sizzles, The 10 Commandments of Parenting, and The 10 Commandments of Marriage, helping untold families successfully navigate relationship challenges.

Dr. Young and his staff oversee many ministries including music, community outreach, VBS and dozens more. The church is active in hospitals and hospices. Members support the military, the disabled, the homeless and the housebound. “Visit a campus near you and get plugged in. There are many ways to serve the Lord by serving others,” says Young.

Among Young’s favorites youth activities are the annual beach retreats for high school and junior high students. “Kids need encouragement, guidance, comfort and direction. It is a great privilege to see thousands of teens and ‘tweens transform as they reflect on their relationship with Christ one special week each summer,” says  Young, who attends these events.

Second Baptist’s worldwide Mission Trips – Bring Peace 2011 campaign includes Guatemala, Mexico, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Sudan, Nepal, Syria, Iraq and India. “Due to the crisis in the Middle East, we ask that you pray for the safety of our missionaries who spread the Gospel under the harshest conditions.” It is Young’s hope that peace and healing come to the troubled region.

Visit Second Baptist’s website,, to learn more about opportunities to worship and serve. Dr. Young’s Winning Walk website is Check out Caedmon’s Call at

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