Play and explore what you want to be this summer at Camp “IwannaBeA”! This summer will be spent exploring several occupations we might like to be as adults. We will offer camps and field trips on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer.
All events take place at Bear Creek United Methodist Church:
Bear Creek United Methodist Church
16000 Rippling Water
Houston, Texas 77084
(281) 463-2330
Camp BC
Ages: 2yr. -5th grade
Cost: $12.00
Dates: Tuesdays, 9am-Noon
June 14, 21; July 12, 19, 26; August 2, 9
Camps meeting on campus will include: The Other Sports, Critter Camp, Rescue 911 Camp, Space Camp, Magical Camp, CSI Camp and Circus Camp.
Camp AD
Ages: 1st-5th grade
Cost: $25.00
Dates : Thursdays, 9am-Noon
June 16, 23; July 14, 21, 28; August 4, 11;
Field trips will include: Minute Maid Park, The Houston Zoo, NASA, The State Aquarium, Fire and Police stations, and more.
Vacation Bible School
Ages: 4 yr.-5th grade
Cost: $20.00
Date: June 27-30; 9am-Noon
“Shake It Up!” Our children will be carrying out God’s recipe. We will explore to Bible as a cookbook filled with recipes for living out God’s word.
Summer Reading Program
Ages: Toddler-K
Cost: FREE
Dates: Mondays, 10-10:45am
June 6, 13, 20, 27, July 5, 12, 25
Stories will be read to the children and they can check out books from our library.
Track Your Summer Reading
Ages: Completed 1st-5th Grade
Cost: FREE
Dates: Mondays 11:00-NOON; Thursdays 1:00-3:00pm; Sundays between worship services
June 9-July 28
Readers keep track of the number of minutes they read. Each week children turn in their reading minutes for prizes.