Politics and Religion: Socialism on the March

By Mark Williamson
President Barack Obama and his liberal/progressive socialists are on the march in their intentional and overt “changing” (read: “destruction”) of America as we know it. Not all democrats mind you, but all liberal/progressives.
The March passage of the so-called “Health Care” bill has fundamentally changed America, and will continue to eat away like a cancer at our God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed rights— it if it is not repealed. A once free people will now suffer government-funded abortions, rationed care resulting in passive euthanasia, the nationalization of student loans (which has nothing to do with “health”) and incredible new power for the IRS who will soon have some 10,000 to 15,000 new agents and $10 Billion dollars to enforce your compliance in purchasing the right kind of government-approved insurance from the right kind of government-approved insurance company. They’ll be fishing around in your bank account (in violation of your privacy) to make sure you line up with the collective. These developments comprise an absolute flushing-down-the-toilet of our Constitution on many levels.
The “Executive Order” preventing government funding of abortion isn’t worth the ink it took to sign it. An Executive Order cannot, does not, and never will trump actual legislation! “What’s the big deal about a government take-over of student loans?” you may ask. Granted, it doesn’t seem that tyrannical…until they start telling Johnny and Susie where they can go to school, what classes they can take, and how long they must work for the government and in what capacity after they graduate.
But this was never about health care. It was and is about socialism, control, and the redistribution of wealth! Obama and his liberal/progressives have stomped on America with the Jackboot of tyranny. Oh, it’s a lighter version; a “cushier heel” than the killing fields of the 20th century to be sure, but it’s still wrong! It is up to true patriots and true Christians (not pretenders who misuse Jesus as a way to facilitate making government “god”) to stand up and retake our nation at the ballot box this fall.
Freedom of, by, and in the market place is called Capitalism, and while there can be and are abuses due to the lack of Biblical integrity in individuals, it is the best economic system on earth by far for all of history. In fact, it is the only Biblically-favored economic system. The Bible says that it is God who “gives you the power to gain wealth.” Only capitalism affords the economic system for that to happen. May God bless and grant victory to the Attorneys General from the many states that are suing the government over this gross violation of the commerce clause of our Constitution! The federal government cannot force us to purchase anything!
Freedom (personal, economic, and religious) is a comprehensively different word and concept than liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, fascism, totalitarianism, state-ism. Freedom is a gift from God.
Tyranny and bondage (personal or political) is oppression from satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy! All those other “isms” are evil, and come from the father of lies. Those systems are used to oppress people. They governmentally institutionalize violations of the Ten Commandments and other scriptural principles, much as our government is doing now. They foment unbelief and rebellion against God. They institutionalize covetousness (socialism), murder (abortion), etc. Biblical truths and principles are thrown out the window. Biblical love and truth is blasphemed as “hate speech.” I use the word “blaspheme” because God, the source of Biblical love and truth, and Who is Himself Love and Truth, is called, by extension, a “hater.” But God is not mocked; He will repay.
Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, just as they mock God, also mock true Americans, the true patriots, the tea-party populace. They falsely accuse Christians and patriots generally of violence, hatred, and racism, yet, where is it? There are fringe flakes on nearly any side of any cause, but to say Tea Party Patriots = Terrorists is itself the product of a dishonest if not dysfunctional mind. As all subversives with a “counter-agenda” are prone to do, liberals accuse their opposition of their own tendencies. They twist the truth, make fun of it, and mock it in such a way as to make the truth incredulous and unbelievable! This is a technique of master liars, especially in the political realm. The strategy is to discredit the truth at all costs: any lie, any accusation, will do. (This is a favorite personal technique of Rahm Emanuel, the President’s Chief of Staff.)
How long will it take for America to wake up? How long will it take for the true Church of Jesus Christ to wake up? How long before “false-prophet” types like Jim Wallis and others (who embrace socialistic, Marxist, environmentalist-wacko positions and other such tenants of their “other” gospel) are confronted by true Apostles and fathers in the faith who know the truth, speak the truth, and turn others toward the truth and away from practicing lawlessness? Let us hope that it will happen before it’s too late for America.
A lot will become clear between now and November. We need more genuine Christians and conservatives in Congress. We need to repeal and replace this bill. Obama says “go for it.” We will!
Pray. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Pray for God’s grace and protection over this nation. Pray for a change in Congress. Pray that this tyranny be repealed. Pray for those who are so deceived to be delivered into truth! Pray—and put feet to your prayers! Your children’s futures depend upon it!
Mark Williamson is the Founder and President of Foundation Restoration Ministries and Federal Intercessors, educational and intercessory ministries dedicated to the restoration of Biblical truth, righteousness and justice in the nation, and the high offices of the Federal government. The views expressed in this column are his personal opinions and observations. Learn more and join the prayer cause at www.federalintercessors.net. You may contact him directly at mark.williamson@federalintercessors.net, or at 713-722-4301.

President Barack Obama and his liberal/progressive socialists are on the march in their intentional and overt “changing” (read: “destruction”) of America as we know it. Not all democrats mind you, but all liberal/progressives.

The March passage of the so-called “Health Care” bill has fundamentally changed America, and will continue to eat away like a cancer at our God-given and constitutionally-guaranteed rights— it if it is not repealed. A once free people will now suffer government-funded abortions, rationed care resulting in passive euthanasia, the nationalization of student loans (which has nothing to do with “health”) and incredible new power for the IRS who will soon have some 10,000 to 15,000 new agents and $10 Billion dollars to enforce your compliance in purchasing the right kind of government-approved insurance from the right kind of government-approved insurance company. They’ll be fishing around in your bank account (in violation of your privacy) to make sure you line up with the collective. These developments comprise an absolute flushing-down-the-toilet of our Constitution on many levels.

The “Executive Order” preventing government funding of abortion isn’t worth the ink it took to sign it. An Executive Order cannot, does not, and never will trump actual legislation! “What’s the big deal about a government take-over of student loans?” you may ask. Granted, it doesn’t seem that tyrannical…until they start telling Johnny and Susie where they can go to school, what classes they can take, and how long they must work for the government and in what capacity after they graduate.

But this was never about health care. It was and is about socialism, control, and the redistribution of wealth! Obama and his liberal/progressives have stomped on America with the Jackboot of tyranny. Oh, it’s a lighter version; a “cushier heel” than the killing fields of the 20th century to be sure, but it’s still wrong! It is up to true patriots and true Christians (not pretenders who misuse Jesus as a way to facilitate making government “god”) to stand up and retake our nation at the ballot box this fall.

Freedom of, by, and in the market place is called Capitalism, and while there can be and are abuses due to the lack of Biblical integrity in individuals, it is the best economic system on earth by far for all of history. In fact, it is the only Biblically-favored economic system. The Bible says that it is God who “gives you the power to gain wealth.” Only capitalism affords the economic system for that to happen. May God bless and grant victory to the Attorneys General from the many states that are suing the government over this gross violation of the commerce clause of our Constitution! The federal government cannot force us to purchase anything!

Freedom (personal, economic, and religious) is a comprehensively different word and concept than liberalism, progressivism, socialism, Marxism, fascism, totalitarianism, state-ism. Freedom is a gift from God.

Tyranny and bondage (personal or political) is oppression from satan, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy! All those other “isms” are evil, and come from the father of lies. Those systems are used to oppress people. They governmentally institutionalize violations of the Ten Commandments and other scriptural principles, much as our government is doing now. They foment unbelief and rebellion against God. They institutionalize covetousness (socialism), murder (abortion), etc. Biblical truths and principles are thrown out the window. Biblical love and truth is blasphemed as “hate speech.” I use the word “blaspheme” because God, the source of Biblical love and truth, and Who is Himself Love and Truth, is called, by extension, a “hater.” But God is not mocked; He will repay.

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid, just as they mock God, also mock true Americans, the true patriots, the tea-party populace. They falsely accuse Christians and patriots generally of violence, hatred, and racism, yet, where is it? There are fringe flakes on nearly any side of any cause, but to say Tea Party Patriots = Terrorists is itself the product of a dishonest if not dysfunctional mind. As all subversives with a “counter-agenda” are prone to do, liberals accuse their opposition of their own tendencies. They twist the truth, make fun of it, and mock it in such a way as to make the truth incredulous and unbelievable! This is a technique of master liars, especially in the political realm. The strategy is to discredit the truth at all costs: any lie, any accusation, will do. (This is a favorite personal technique of Rahm Emanuel, the President’s Chief of Staff.)

How long will it take for America to wake up? How long will it take for the true Church of Jesus Christ to wake up? How long before “false-prophet” types like Jim Wallis and others (who embrace socialistic, Marxist, environmentalist-wacko positions and other such tenants of their “other” gospel) are confronted by true Apostles and fathers in the faith who know the truth, speak the truth, and turn others toward the truth and away from practicing lawlessness? Let us hope that it will happen before it’s too late for America.

A lot will become clear between now and November. We need more genuine Christians and conservatives in Congress. We need to repeal and replace this bill. Obama says “go for it.” We will!

Pray. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Pray for God’s grace and protection over this nation. Pray for a change in Congress. Pray that this tyranny be repealed. Pray for those who are so deceived to be delivered into truth! Pray—and put feet to your prayers! Your children’s futures depend upon it!

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