First, congratulations to Barack Obama for winning the Presidency of the United States in a historic election. I was whole-heartedly against this man’s agenda for many, many Biblical and ideological reasons. His stands on abortion, homosexuality, and “spreading the wealth around” are clear violations of three of the Ten Commandments. The “fairness doctrine” is a dangerous threat to free speech, and thus a violation of the Second Amendment. His stand on hate crimes, ENDA, and the “Freedom of Choice” act violate both Bible and Constitution. The list goes on.
But I believe that God can get hold of this man in a profound way. That just might be God’s intention. What if Obama radically surrendered himself to Jesus, and began to live and speak and govern as a man experiencing genuine spiritual awakening and Biblical revelation? I for one will pray for this man from the heart in obedience to the command to “pray first for those in authority.” I will strongly oppose many of his stated policy goals, but I will not act toward Obama as most on the left act toward George Bush with their seething hatred.
The truly sad news is that the Church as a whole once again failed to act in unity according to Biblical standards. To those who continually need reminding, it is “NOT the economy, Stupid.” It never has been. “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (material, economic) will be added unto you.”
Aside from the current financial crisis being essentially a socialist coup d’état (certainly in the bail-out response, if not in origin), should it not be considered that the crisis is a direct result of this nation’s lack of morality and integrity in the realms of government and business; all of it driven by greed and lust for power? But I digress.
We have elected a President and increased the power of a party whose basic “change” agenda has to do with restricting free speech and religious liberty, and disregarding the sanctity of life, family, and marriage. Need I remind you that Hate Crimes and ENDA has already passed the House – only to be vetoed by Bush. Now, there’s not much stopping these assaults on churches, families, and children.
There are some 67 million Catholics and 60 million professing evangelicals in America, a total of 127 million. That’s roughly 8 million more than the total number of votes cast for both candidates combined. And yet we still can’t get our collective act together on issues as basic as life, with South Dakota’s abortion ban and Colorado’s fetal personhood initiatives going down in defeat.
But let us count our blessings as we look at and celebrate the incredibly positive news that God has granted in this contrary political environment.
McCain’s showing was pretty good despite his not being a true conservative, and being outspent 4 to 1. This is mostly due to Sarah Palin being on the ticket. If she weren’t, he loses really big because most conservatives simply sit this one out.
Forget what you’ve heard from some McCain campaign operatives via the media about Palin being the cause of the defeat. Not even close. These accusations are coming from Giuliani retreads that went to work for McCain, and have a higher allegiance to their pro-choice, rid-the-Republican-party-of-social-conservatism agenda. They wanted to see her political future destroyed even if it cost them the election.
The gay-marriage bans in Florida, Arizona, and yes, even California, all won. For liberal California to constitutionally ban gay marriage is another miracle! Arkansas, to their great credit, passed a measure barring the adoption of children by same-sex couples.
In the U.S. House, there have only been about 18 or 19 seats lost by Republicans instead of the 35 to 40 predicted. 20 or less was considered by some to qualify as another miracle. Many of those losses were “RINOS,” including Christopher Shays of Connecticut, to whom I say good riddance. Michele Bachmann was reelected in an important race in Minnesota. In one tragic mistake, Marilyn Musgrave of Colorado was defeated, primarily by the money of gay activist multi-millionaire Tim Gill. That just reconfirms the sad truth of the culture war: militant gays seek to take out Christians and remove Christian values.
I hope we’ll see new Republican leadership in the House. It is much needed and long overdue, but that remains to be seen. Roy Blunt won’t run for Whip again, but Boehner will run again for minority leader. Hopefully, he will have a truly conservative opponent. I think Mike Pence would be great Minority Leader.
As of this writing Republicans have lost only 6 seats in the Senate, which so far would prevent a filibuster-proof majority of 60 democrats. Three other races are still undecided, but hopefully the balance of power remains as it is now, as the filibuster will be an important tool to rein in the liberal agenda.
As Christians we must pray for Obama and his position in this office. If we pray, God can get a hold of him in an awesome way. As we pray, we must also be salt and light, and oppose the un-Biblical and un-Constitutional measures that the Obama-Reid-Pelosi triumvirate will look to impose upon the nation.
It is my hope that God will use Obama’s election to heal real and/or perceived wounds in the nation – the black community in particular. It is also my hope that “the one” who has been called a “messiah” will denounce such nonsense and truly surrender to Jesus, and say so – passionately and publicly – before a fawning world-wide audience. What a testimony!
Now that really would be “change we need!”