Who Is The King?

In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.  Judges 21:25

My, doesn’t that just sound like the condition of the world today. Everyone wants to do what “they” think is right. No one wants to submit to a superior authority–especially not God. When people substitute God’s moral wisdom, authority and guidance, in exchange for what they “believe” is right, the only thing that can come of it is chaos.  We must, as a people, make Jesus the King and Lord over our lives and uphold what He says is right.

There are many things in the Bible that I might disagree with because I cannot see the whole picture, but I submit to God because He knows best–and I think we all know how far we can get if we try to do things all by ourself.  Even the person that quits a job to become their own boss is dependant on someone else (i.e. customers).  No one has the ability to govern the affairs of their life–for our next breath comes only by God’s grace.

Let’s begin to make Jesus King.
Let’s begin to uphold what HE SAYS IS RIGHT.
Let’s begin to suppress our own self-righteousness.
Just turn on the TV and you will see that this world is quickly coming to a devastating climax. It’s time to get right.  It’s time to put Jesus on the throne of our heart.

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